Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Top 3 Ways to Lose Weight… NOW

Ok, this is it. You’re going to do it. You’ve decided that NOW is the time to lose weight. Good for you! Deciding to lose weight is highly commendable, and that decision can be equal parts motivating and daunting. But don’t worry; I got you. So just read on; absorb; and succeed!

Set a Series of Mini Goals

For many women, trying to lose weight can be a very overwhelming, even intimidating, goal. But that’s only because most women look at a specific, future number on the scale. Think about it; if you’re 170 lbs (77 kgs) now and want to be 125 lbs (56 kgs), those 45 lbs seem like a ginormous amount of weight to drop.

However, if you set a series of mini goals that are doable and easily achievable, you wake up one morning and BAM! you’ll have a hard time yourself believing how far you’ve come in such a short span of time.

FOCUS On the Good, DUMP the Bad

Here’s what many women confess that they DID NOT expect to encounter when they started on their weight loss journeys: the people (family and/or friends) who they thought would be their best cheerleaders seem to be the very ones trying to sabotage their efforts.

There are many reasons for this: jealousy, sense of being left behind, and sometimes even just a genuine concern for you (out of MISinformation they may have about weight loss themselves).

Here’s the thing though, just FOCUS on what’s good. Concentrate on the people cheering and supporting you, and overlook the people sending bad vibes (at least for now). Trust me; this is NOT the time to dwell on negativity.

On the other side of the coin, you should also learn to accept help.

Don’t get too focused on ‘doing your own thing’ that you overlook genuine help. For instance, a friend may offer doing ‘meal preps’ together or may invite you to an aerobic or dance class. Be open to any new experience that will advance you in your weight loss endeavors.

Find a System That Works WITH YOU, Not Against You

Following the wrong diet is like trying to swim against the waves… BIG, ROLLING WAVES that knock you back further than your initial starting point. Boo!

You’re a woman and you have a different body structure and different hormone levels than men. The wrong diet can actually use your body AGAINST you, making you feel as if you’re taking one very difficult step forward, only to be knocked two steps back.

Women’s ‘daily routines’ are different too. Women take care of their kids and their dizzying schedules, see after their husbands, run a business, manage entire households (sometimes more than one!)… a diet that requires you to drastically cut back on calories will affect energy levels, and make it very difficult for you to do the things that you need to do.

What you need is a weight loss program like BeFinallyFit (BFF) that’s dedicated and attuned to the uniqueness of the female body – its structure and hormone levels – and the female lifestyle. It’s the only way to stick to a plan that will see you to the weight loss finish line.

If you want to learn more about BFF, check out this short video so you can see for yourself how this quick, 28-day system can work for you.
Visit our site

The 5 Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes Women Make

Do you feel that despite your absolute BEST efforts, you just can’t lose the weight you want to lose? Well, you’re not alone sister. Thousands of women go online every single day to find the weight loss solution that will finally work for them. And yet… they almost always make at least one – if not all – of the mistakes below.

Well, this is the day you experience an ‘AHA’ moment. By knowing these common mistakes that most women make when trying to drop the pounds, you’ll be able to get past them and move on to the RESULTS you want to see.

#1 – Drastically Cutting Calories

Ever heard of HANGRY? It means HUNGER + ANGRY, and it’s the common state of existence most women are in when they dramatically cut their calorie intake. But apart from this ‘suffering’, please know that as weird as it sounds, if you slash your calories back too far, your body will just want to HOLD ON to fat because it thinks you’re in ‘starvation mode’.

You need a weight loss system that advocates reducing calories only to reasonable levels such as the strategies revealed in BeFinallyFit. This will ensure that you lose weight by triggering your body’s natural and unique ability to release and burn fat (and not hold on to it!)

#2 – Not Choosing a Weight Loss Plan FOR WOMEN

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Truer words were never spoken. So since we all know that we’re so physically different from each other, doesn’t it make perfect sense to adapt a weight loss plan that’s specifically for women?

You have a different body structure; you have different hormone levels; even the way you think about food is so different from men! BeFinallyFit fully understands your uniqueness (mind and body). That’s why it’s the system that can help you achieve rapid and long-lasting weight loss.

#3 – Over-Rewarding
Another common mistake women make is to over reward ourselves with ‘treats’ because we think be ‘burned’ enough to compensate for them. Sorry ladies, time on the treadmill doesn’t necessarily mean a license to binge.

To truly understand how much you’re ‘burning’ and ‘eating’, try free online tools like MyFitnessPal. You can put in your activity (e.g., house chores for 1 hour) and see how much calories you burned; and then you can see if that activity is enough to compensate for that donut.

#4 – Under-Sleeping

Beauty sleep is important ladies! “Appetite and hunger hormones are greatly influenced by how much sleep you get,” says Pamela Peeke, MD. “Skimp and you’re more likely to eat everything that’s not tacked down.”

#5 – Over-Thinking

What can I say; this is how we’re built. It’s part of that ‘being from Venus’ thing again.☺ However, just because weight loss seems ‘daunting’ it doesn’t mean that it’s complicated.

Truth be told, all you need are just a few female body-focused, smart strategies to UNLOCK your body’s natural ability to release fat and use that fat for energy. BeFinallyFit will reveal these strategies to you, if you want to learn more.

So that’s it ladies. Knowledge is power; so now that you know these common weight loss mistakes women make, heed those who have gone before you and don’t make them too!
Visit our site

Successful (Weight) Losers Have These 3 Things in Common

Are you struggling to stick with your diet program? Or maybe you’ve lost some weight before but have gained it all back again? Don’t despair because you are definitely not alone. In fact, data shows that most people attempt a ‘diet’ 4-5 times per year.

But I know that’s not what you want. You want to lose weight for good! So, to help you, we’ve rounded these tips from some of the most successful losers (of weight!) we know.


It’s not about cutting out food groups at all. It’s about learning which foods promote satiety (fullness), while at the same time triggering your body’s natural way of releasing and burning fat. Think of your body as a machine. You need the right ‘fuel’ to make it function at its best.

BeFinallyFit is a weight loss system that does not advocate deprivation at all. In fact, many who have tried it even say they think they’re EATING MORE than they were before!

Successful Losers MOVE

When you’re trying to lose weight there’s this MYTH that you need to spend hours in the gym and bust moves that could kill you. This is just that, a MYTH.

You don’t need to exercise ‘forever’ to lose weight. In fact, for weight loss, exercising is optional. However, successful losers DO advocate physical activity for these reasons.

    It helps you tighten and tone your body faster.
    The energy you get from movement is exhilarating. Anna says, “There’s just a certain ‘high’ I get from exercising. It doesn’t have to be strenuous. A walk in the park or a short trail hike gives me that ‘happy feeling’ already.”
    It guards against weight regain!


One of the most common reasons why ‘diets’ fail is that they’re too limiting, yet too nonspecific at the same time. Here’s an example…

Conventional diets would say something like “cut your calorie intake to just 1,400 calories”. And then, “make sure you eat 20 grams of protein per meal”, or “limit carb intake to 45%”. What do these even mean for the average person? It’s hard to figure out, right? So you must limit food intake dramatically but you have no clue how? It doesn’t make sense.

Also, most people today don’t have the time to RESEARCH what’s good, what’s bad, what’s too much, what’s too little, etc.

Successful weight losers find that a DETAILED system they can just ‘plug and play’ into their busy lives is much better and easier to follow.

BeFinallyFit is a step-by-step, day-by-day plan you can just ‘insert’ into your busy life. It’s a short, 28-day(!) system that will help you become a successful (weight) loser too! If you want to learn more, just watch this short video to find out why successful losers (of weight!) say it works.
Visit our site

This is Why Conventional Diets FAIL for Women

?Do you wear men’s briefs or male underwear
Do you like the toilet seat UP?
Are you never there for him when he needs you to just sit and talk?
(Ok, wait, sorry about that last one…)

Anyway, I assume that your answer to most – if not all – of the above is a resounding NO.

So, WHY then would you adapt a conventional or generic approach to weight loss? It’s like saying you want the perfect wedding dress and then just going on right ahead and getting the dress that doesn’t fit you at all!

Apply the same meticulousness when you’re selecting a weight loss program. It should fit you! Here are the reasons why.

You Have a Different BODY STRUCTURE

Men and women have obvious physical differences. From an evolutionary perspective, men are supposed to be ‘hunters’ or ‘providers’. As such, they have more muscle. Women, on the other hand, are the ‘child bearers’. For this reason, WOMEN HAVE MORE FAT as it’s necessary for ovulation and child bearing.

Well, all that is well and good but… this also means that when women want to lose weight, your body needs to use a system that understands your fat levels to begin with. Otherwise, your diet plan may just be helping you lose water, or worse, muscle mass! (By the way, muscle burns MORE calories even when the body is at rest so you DO NOT want to burn away your muscle.)

So ladies, to burn fat effectively and make them never go back, you need a weight loss program that realizes that you have a different body structure.

Errr… You Have Different HORMONE LEVELS than Men

Hormone levels vary greatly in men and wo
men but for starters let me just discuss two: leptin and serotonin.

Leptin is the ‘satiety’ hormone. It tells your brain that you’re full so you should stop eating. Now, leptin is produced by fat cells. And since women have more fat cells than men, you have nearly DOUBLE the leptin levels than they do. So?

Science shows that most overweight women, have developed leptin resistance. This means that your brain may NOT be getting the signal that you’re full and so… you keep on eating.

Most conventional diets HARM normal leptin levels, especially those who advocate cutting calories drastically.

Serotonin, on the other hand, is the ‘mood’ hormone. According to scientists, women produce less serotonin than men. Worse, serotonin levels drop dramatically just before ‘that time of the month’. (Does PMS make more sense now?) So?

When you’re ‘moody’, the last thing you want to do is go on a diet, right? Further, if you’re on a diet, it’s extremely hard to stay on track because you’re serotonin levels actual MAKE YOU WANT TO EAT CARBS. (Carbs produce an increase in serotonin levels.) So where does that leave you? You keep on trying to lose weight, but you’re just getting in a vicious cycle of hunger and anger.

Bottom-line is this: if you’re a woman who wants to lose weight without harming your hormone levels, you need a system that takes your body’s unique hormone structure into account.

BeFinallyFit is dedicated solely to the uniqueness of the female body. It doesn’t fight your body’s unique structure. Instead, it provides a unique eating strategy that makes your hormones work for you. But hey, don’t take my word for it. Check out this short video as it reveals the actual science behind this breakthrough system for women


What if I told you that there is a way to physically shrink your fat cells? Countless products
and diet plans have promised as much, and more. But I am about to reveal the method that
has worked wonders for hundreds of people worldwide pursuing fat reduction.
It sounds too good to be true, right? Read on to find out for yourself.
Tea has many benefits, for the body, stress and energy levels, and even in the prevention of
serious diseases. White, black and green tea have been tested, talked about, and consumed
for years on this basis, each with unique but valuable contributions to the body.
More recently,
red tea
 has been recognised as their equal, if not superior. And here’s why –
red tea shrinks fat cells.
, is a red bush from South Africa. The leaves are used once fermented in the tea’s
production, and they offer a range of benefits.
My recipe, as featured in the
Red Tea Detox
, combines rooibos with a specific blend, working
to melt fat.
Research has shown that components found in the rooibos plant, such as polyphenols and
flavonoids, inhibit the formation of new fat cells by 22 percent. The tea significantly lowers
dangerous fat found in the blood, such as triglyceride concentrations.
Other blends such as green tea, although rich in antioxidants, do not have the same impact
on fat cells or weight loss. Red tea is an exciting necessity, and one that has the potential to
seamlessly entwine itself with your lifestyle.
The Red Tea Detox Articles
Sipping the brew burns stubborn problem areas around the body, without an extreme diet or
exercise plan. This is a chance to enhance your health as well as your weight loss efforts. And
did I mention that it’s delicious?
Finally, we have access to a health product promising fat reduction that bases itself on facts,
rather than myths and false hope. Something worthwhile. It has never been simpler to cut fat
cell growth than it is now, with the
Red Tea Detox
. Watch for inevitable results as they occur.
Find the recipe here – *


You’re staring at your computer screen with weary eyes. Dinner has come and gone, but that
oh-so-familiar beast we call Hunger has reeled its damn head again.
But you can’t snack after eight o’clock, right? That’s weight loss rule number one. Or is it?
I’m about to share with you some helpful truths for a situation of this kind.
There’s an ironic flipside to my mostly honorable label of ‘Liz Swann Miller – Weight Loss
. I must strictly resign myself to the continuous expectation the general public
attributes to the title – that I have it together.
Liz would never gain excessive amounts of weight. Liz would never give in to that looming
golden M on the highway. Liz doesn’t snack late at night. How does Liz do it?
Let me tell you a secret. Liz struggles. Liz feels the exact temptations you feel, and resists the
exact pulls you resist.
As this ‘Weight Loss Expert’, I often need to remind myself not only to pursue a healthy
lifestyle in order to fulfill the expectation of my title and my career, but for my optimal
The temptation, for me, is at its worst late at night, during that time when I’ve supposedly
declared eating over, yet I’m fighting hunger, bleary-eyed, answering hundreds of emails
from clients seeking advice for topics such as this.
Firstly – it’s important to note that
hunger is a basic survival instinct
 – and we must be
grateful for it. The fact that it exists is an amazing feat in itself.
Don’t be ashamed
. Just know
The Red Tea Detox Article
how to appease the beast.
There are those who claim the most effective diets are those which have you eating only
two meals a day, and drinking water for the rest. I
 encourage you to
methods, as they are not sustainable.
The secret is
. And I don’t mean digging around in a bag of chips and licking the
salt off your fingers (we’ve all been there), I mean pouring yourself a bowl of organic nuts.
Or blueberries. Or frozen peas. Be inventive, but clever about it. Choose the right food in
But let’s talk about the late-night secret. It’s simple. And easy. Are you ready for it?
Okay. It’s a
cup of tea
. Don’t underestimate those three words. Not to drink immediately
before bed, but rather in the gap between dinner and sleep.
My go-to is the always delicious, always sufficient
Red Tea
. It satisfies the hunger itch, but
leaves me feeling clean, calm and revitalized, primarily due to its detoxifying properties. And
it’s caffeine free – so don’t fear, you won’t be bouncing from the walls.
After my extensive studies around fat-burning solutions, the myths and the answers, I
created this tea with ingredients selected carefully for late night cravings and overall weight
 (you can find the recipe in the link below)
. The benefits are endless, but the solution is simple.
Set yourself a challenge. I’ll be right there with you. Ditch the chips, the ice cream, and the
guilty pleasure cheese blocks.
Get the kettle bubbling
 and pour yourself a steaming mug
of Red Tea. I guarantee – you will fall in love with the taste – and late night cravings will be a
beast of the past.
To get the Red Tea recipe, please visit

Monday, November 26, 2018

Weight Loss MYTH : Eat Less, Exercise More

How  many  times  have  we  heard  this?  “To  lose  weight,  you  must  EAT  LESS  and  EXERCISE 
MORE.” Yep, we’ve all heard this A LOT of times.  Here’s the problem with this advice though –
.it’s WRONG

THE BIGGEST LOSER’ Study of 2016

When you get the advice EAT LESS and EXERCISE MORE, then there’s no other group of people who did exactly that than the contestants of the TV program ‘The Biggest Loser’, right?

However, according to a study conducted in 2016 on former contestants of the weight loss reality show, not only were their weights back up but their metabolism was “slower than people of comparable age and body composition”.

The study, which was published in the scientific journal Obesity, noted that the contestants’ levels of leptin, the ‘satiety’ or ‘ok, I’m full now, stop eating’ hormone have dramatically dropped. It seemed that their leptin levels never fully returned to their pre-TV show appearance levels even after six years!

Although it’s true that the “EAT LESS and EXERCISE MORE” motto was obviously at extremely high levels for the show, the effects on the contestants long after the cameras have stopped rolling are still astounding.

So what do these research findings mean to you?

The Problem with EAT LESS

Drastically cutting your calorie intake, especially for extended periods of time, is NOT GOOD.
Firstly, this is not sustainable in REAL LIFE. Secondly, why go through all that suffering?!? It is not necessary. The real secret to losing weight is to EAT RIGHT.

Hmmm, doesn’t ‘eating right’ mean eating less anyway? NO.
EATING RIGHT can even mean EATING MORE if you know what to eat, how much of it to eat, and when to eat.

The Problem with EXERCISE MORE

Spending hours in the gym is so over! Firstly, YES; you can lose weight without exercising at all. It’s first and foremost about your eating routine. You just cannot out-train an incorrect eating lifestyle. Sure, physical activity DOES help but it’s not about how much time you spend exercising, it’s about the quality of your fitness routine.

So, again, it’s not about exercising more, it’s about exercising right. If you know basic but highly-focused exercises, you can further tone your body even with just 10 MINUTES of exercise effort.

The Secret to Successful Weight Loss -> Leptin Levels NEED to Be Managed Well

But perhaps the real EYE OPENER in The Biggest Loser study was the fact that the contestants suffered a dramatic decline in leptin. We can even go so far as say that their leptin levels got ‘damaged’ considering how low they were for years after the program.

What does this mean?

Since leptin is a hormone that tells your brain “you’re full” and should therefore stop eating, the fact that their leptin levels were REALLY LOW means that the contestants were CONSTANTLY HUNGRY after the TV reality show.

This constant feeling of being hungry is not only unbearable but results directly in weight regain. Worse, trying to lose weight again at this stage is doubly hard since they’ll be fighting hunger even more.

So… to lose weight effectively you should consider how any plan you follow affects your leptin levels. This is especially true if you’re a woman. Why? Females have nearly TWICE as much leptin levels than men. This is why, if you’re a woman, you shouldn’t go for conventional, generic, or a one-size-fits all type of weight loss system.

This is exactly why BeFinallyFit was created. It’s a program that focuses on women’s unique body structures, hormone levels, and even their distinctive lifestyles.

So don’t eat less and exercise more. Eat right for your female body; and exercise right for those womanly curves! (And oh yeah, keep those leptin levels in check!)

Monday, November 19, 2018


The Red Tea Detox
Green tea has long been acknowledged for its health and wellness benefits, including weight
loss assistance. The evidence is irrefutable. But are we overlooking something better?
It is true that green tea contains powerful antioxidants. These components contribute to
minimizing health risks such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
As a Weight Loss Expert, it has been my primary goal to share practical tips and tricks for
those pursuing optimal health. In upholding my obligation to transparency, I am about to
reveal how green tea, although beneficial, is gradually losing value in the light of its delicious
rival –
Rooibos, also known as red tea, is equally high in antioxidants, however sourced from
different substances to that of green tea. The antioxidants contained in rooibos – aspalathin
and nothofagin – are comparatively rare, and help to regulate blood sugar, reduce excessive
fat production, stress, and inhibit metabolic disorders.
After the results of recent studies, alongside my own findings related to the major players
in sustainable weight loss, I consider red tea an essential. In addition to preventing
disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s
 and more, it is an accessible and effective answer to weight
This year I began the production of my
Red Tea Detox
. A primary goal was to harness the
incredible benefits of rooibos whilst combining the ingredient with a number of other, equally
valuable elements.
Rooibos means red bush. The plant is readily available, with leaves that turn red upon
The Red Tea Detox Article
fermentation. With so much potential to assist with our health and wellness journeys, I
considered it wrong to ignore the strength of the plant.
Unlike green tea, red tea does not contain caffeine, and therefore drinking the blend at night
won’t leave you restless.
Another factor of its ultimate superiority is simply – taste. The bitterness of green tea is often
attributed to its high tannin content, which is less prevalent in red tea.
Many health products do not aim to bridge the gap between adults and young children,
but the pursuit of health is of equal importance for both demographics. Which is why I’ve
designed a recipe that caters to all ages and tastes, with the inclusion of a sweetened
version of the recipe.
This particular Red Tea Detox program is fresh and matchless, already actively transforming
lives since its launch.

For weight loss 

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