Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Benefits of drinking warm lemon water

here are lots of benefits of lemon and water we all know, hot lemon water is they can to help in your diet while drinking day in the morning, it is known that the hot water has a lot of benefits for your body and your health, as well as lemon, drinking lemon in hot water in the morning helps to keep the Gastrointestinal tract and internal organs you,

Learn with us on the benefits of the seven to drink lemon water in the morning.

If you do not like the sour taste you can can add a teaspoon of natural honey on hot lemon water.
, lemon juice helps you feel fuller longer time, and therefore will be less likely to eat a big breakfast, and can help you to avoid the use of stimulant drinks in the morning and that will make you over time lot more overwhelming.
Regardless of what you do throughout your day, try to start a glass of water and lemon to help you lose weight and will be a difference in the way the digestion of the foods you eat.
Why do you have to MAKE water and lemon daily morning routine? And it helps in weight loss and fat burning. It helps the digestive system to work better throughout the day.
The immune system: lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, so being sure if your day began with lemon juice will you get the vitamins needed by the body easy and healthy way.
The immune system is responsible for a lot of help heal wounds and to maintain the body from disease, in the long term can help you avoid a lot of the most serious and dangerous diseases such as 
Weight loss: one of the most exciting benefits in the reports on the benefits of lemon: its ability to help you lose weight, there are a few factors that contribute to it, there is no better way to start your day with a cup of hot water and lemon.
Water helps to hydrate the body and good for you too much, but do not be enough to help you lose weightcancer.
This is the main reason most important to make drinking water and lemon in the morning in order to keep up on your immune system in the short term and long term as well.

Lemon is natural source of vitamin C, so Keep it from your daily routine.

Helps to hydrate the body: If you feel your body is dehydrated you drink lemon juice ... that it helps you to better humidification easy and simple way.

Morning is the best time to start the hydration process, but if you are get used to drinking coffee in the morning, this shall be against the hydration process, which is also working on the destruction of the liver with time.

Helps digestion: lemon water will help you to digest breakfast better, and this means that your body will be able to absorption nutrients breakfast to more effectively, which makes the beginning of the day with a healthy start.

And also helps to release the digestive tract of toxins in your body, thanks to the lemon juice, lemon with Water helps flush out the toxins from your body in a easy and simple.

Tip: Do not drink cold water with lemon and make sure that the water is hot, so that helps you digest better.

Why do you have to add to your daily routine? Because the hot lemon water helps the digestive system to be ready for the next meal, Eating breakfast after drinking the lemon juice, half an hour.

Useful the liver: lemon with hot water to help the health of the liver It helps to expel all the toxins every morning and helps to perform their job better.

The liver helps to expel the digestive juices in the digestive tract, and also helps the heart to be in better health.

The liver flexible device always trying to repair itself, you drinks and foods that help the liver's health.

Why did you add it to your daily routine? Because the liver is the central hub of your internal devices. And helps your digestive system and circulatory system.

Enhances the brain and brain cells: This information may seem strange for you, is there a relationship between a lemon and water and brain cells, the answer yes .. there is a relationship .. lemon and hot water helps to strengthen the brain and brain cells.

Potassium is found Lemon is responsible for the performance of the brain function better, if you have a shortage of potassium you can compensate by drinking a cup of hot water and lemon, lemon is just one part of a comprehensive way to get more of potassium.

You should eat foods rich in potassium throughout the day so that it becomes your mind works best.

There are a lot of drinks such as coffee mornings make you more acidic, unlike a simple cup of lemon and hot water in the morning, if you have an obsession for coffee the love of her deeply you can drink in any part of the day is the morning in order to achieve a balance in your body.

Water and lemon alone does not help just to make a change in the acidity of your levels, if you feel strongly heartburn you time to go to a specialist doctor, and convert your diet to foods rich alkalotherapy contribute to reduce the acidity levels.

Why did you add it to your daily routine? Drink lemon water, a way to insert the alkaline in your body, which helps to balance those levels for optimal health.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Olive oil for weight loss

Olive oil for weight loss

The benefits of olive oil countless .. Today's topic will address it all the benefits of olive oil and eat it on an empty stomach ... where benefit eat olive oil in a weight loss ..
It also enters the skin and hair care ,slimming , get rid of cellulite and fat accumulated in the abdomen, which are a major reason for the emergence of the rumen.
Always advisable to drink olive oil on an empty stomach, where it work on: -
1-reduce the human appetite for eating and thus save you from excess weight and here the role of olive oil in a slimming appears.
2-olive oil works effectively to get rid of harmful cholesterol and treat blood pressure.
3-every day drink a glass of water is added to a tablespoon of olive oil 'This mixture has a big role in reducing appetite.
Another way of using olive oil WEIGHT: -
  Using olive oil with crushed ginger works to get rid it permanently from the accumulated fat in all areas of the body.
How to use: -
1. We grind ginger and took a big spoonful of it and always prefer to use ginger after grinding until it is directly benefit from the ginger.
2. After it is put a little olive oil on ginger.
3. Ginger is mixed with olive oil until it becomes like the dough and are anoint to be part WEIGHT
4. are wearing tight pants and work effort to get great results.
But do not worry about the results of this wonderful mixture where olive oil works tighten body cellulite, ginger also works to increase the burn rates of fat in the body.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Foods that reduce belly fat fast

For beautiful and attractive appearance makes you good health .. First you must get rid of Potbelly, and the question becomes how to get rid of .. Potbelly and what foods that help us to get rid of Potbelly

Who among us do not dreamed of getting on the belly taut free of any accumulated fat or Atralat a disservice to the appearance of the public body, but with exercise, which helps to tighten the body and the abdominal muscles, is indispensable for a healthy diet, or focus to eat several specific foods.

Here we offer you simple information about some foods that help you get the belly taut without accumulated fat:

Foods that reduce belly fat fast


Other than the benefits of almond kernels for the skin because they contain vitamin e and protein, they are also rich in fiber that make you do not feel hungry for a long time, as scientific studies conducted to detect foods that contain high calories proved, that the almond kernels do not help in any way to the accumulation of abdominal fat and prevent the formation of Potbelly.

Therefore, nutrition experts advise eating a handful of almonds kernels a day, as a snack, "Snack" in the middle of the morning to get rid of Potbelly.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast

Green leafy vegetables:

If you suffer from constipation or stomach bulge continuously, eat leafy green vegetables because they are the strongest and the ideal treatment in that case, so make sure to add the parsley and watercress and spinach and lettuce and celery and each other daily meals.

Vegetables the above contain many vitamins and minerals without any calories remember, as it gives the body the element of water without the store it as a result of eating some other vegetables

Probably be alarmed if you learned that Oats be foods that really help to lose weight, so eating a small amount of kernels Oats at breakfast provided that they are low-calorie, is one of the effective ways to give your body the energy required at the beginning of the day without any increase Remember in weight and help you get rid of Potbelly.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast

Olive oil:

The fact is crazy, but the fact is that the oils help you to lose excess weight, olive oil is contain unsaturated fats overcome the feeling of hunger, as olive oil contains oleic acid, which works to break down fats in the body and also reduce the blood cholesterol.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast


Any small amount of beans .. is rich in the nutritive value of protein and fiber Other than they are a few calories, and as a result you feel full when eating .. The proportion of protein in beans helps to strengthen the muscles of the body.

Therefore, try as much as possible replacement of burgers and beef dish of beans.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast


It is known that the mint herbs that treats belly bulge and facilitate the process of digestion, so when you want to make your belly sleek, do not afraid to try put drink mint on the list of your diet.

In case if you do not prefer to drink mint free of any add-ons, you can put a little of the only mint in a cup of tea is good enough, but preferably to drink three cups of mint without any additions to purify the skin and clean the abdomen.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast

Green tea:

Green tea works to expel the excess fluids from the body, which helps to reduce puffiness around the stomach, as it speeds up the process of digestion and thus burn excess calories.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast

Apple cider vinegar:

If you are looking for the fastest way to get rid of toxins suspended the body "detox", apple cider vinegar is the best way to it, in terms of adding a little of it daily to your meals is working to get rid of toxins and bacteria in the intestines and the excess water stored around the stomach.

Try adding a little apple cider vinegar when cooking food or appetizers

Foods that reduce belly fat fast

Cranberry juice:

Cranberry juice contains a high proportion of antioxidant and vitamin c, which encourages the body to get rid of excess fluid that causes bulge the abdomen, so make sure to drink a glass of cranberry juice, sugar-free day in the morning.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast


The tomato fruit fierce warrior of abdominal fat, as it can save you from swollen stomach and water retention is unwanted, as tomatoes contain a protein hormone called "leptin" helps regulate digestion rate and the level of appetite, making him a key role in weight loss.

Foods that reduce belly fat fast


In spite of our attempts desperate .. to get rid of the taste of garlic added to our food, it is of antioxidant, it also contains a natural chemical called allicin, which interacts with the blood to create a product can kill harmful bacteria, and rid your body of many viruses.

It also garlic cloves a major role in the intestines clean and get rid of the stomach to be bloated and gases, and that nutrition experts advise you to add some cloves of raw garlic to the food before it is submitted directly for the greatest usefulness.


How to reduce belly

How to reduce belly

The potbelly shows the result of the concentration of fat in the belly which appears as inflation in the abdomen and consists mostly due to the increase in eating and drinking and lack of different exercise and walking 
Recent studies haue confirmed tha strong relationship between the pot belly and the possibijity of sbread diseases in abundance such as heart disease.

How to reduce belly

Not enough for us one step or one way to get rid of the rumen and not return to us; but that there is more than one way to be done to get rid of it, namely:

   Exercise to reduce belly

You can exercise these exercises every day from 20 to 30 times, you can gradually increase these exercise in the second week, therd and fourth,initially you will feel pain in the back and stomach.
The first exercise involves placing the hands behind the head and continue to raise the head and then return to the original setting and full of relaxation and interchangeably, raise the head and then relax for 20 to 30 times.
The second exercise involves lifting the head and then taking a deep breath and count to 10 times, then relax while maintaing the feet sticky.
The third exercise need a pillow to prop up the back, and then start to lie and then raise them by the shoulders not head to stretch the back muscles, which maintains the flexibility and strengthens.
Preferably those exercises you will begin a warm shower and end cold shower to  stimulate blood circulation and get the best results.

 Diet to reduce belly  

Must be adhered to, inter alia important instructions and in the diet .                      
  the most important: stay away from sweets, and not eating quickly, and chewing to eat, and more successful nutritional programs to reduce belly:important
- Breakfast
You can add flavorings to it 4 dates +1 fruit kiwi + pineapple slices + cup skim milk.
- Before lunch 
Apple juice or orange or grapefruit
- Lunch
Half a chicken + salad + slice pineapple
Before Dinner 
One apple

Half a small fish + cup of boiled vegetables + curdled milk free of fat + half a loaf of brown bread

To reduce belly useful herbs 

- Herb fennel is used to reduce belly
- Two tablespoons of sage and chamomile, rosemary and add to the amount of a cup of boiling water.
- Drink green tea and add ginger or mint green or pomegranate peel dry him.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ways to get rid of belly fat

  The fastest way to get rid of a belly fat

The emergence of the abdomen (belly) is the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, which over time is dangerous because the fat accumulation centered on the liver and spleen and kidneys, and this leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol level,, and the problem of fat to accumulate around the abdomen, they come back either for reasons of genetic or organic defect or erratic behavior foods eating high-fat and calories.

 Here are some ways to get rid of a bot belly :
Continuously aerobic exercise and the most important exercises stomach..
Stay away from sleep after eating. 
Careful to eat fiber-rich foods they take longer to chew, which reduces the sense of hunger and reduce the incidence of constipation

The first recipe to lose belly fat

 Prepare green tea with the amount of pomegranate peel and ginger and mint, then boil them together in a cup of sugar-free drink it three times a day after meals directly.

 The second recipe to lose belly fat

 Bring chamomile and thyme and rosemary and Mix only one tablespoon of each of the above with the appropriate amount of boiling water by one cup and drink the cup on an empty stomach.

 The third recipe to lose belly fat

  Bring appropriate amounts of sage , chamomile and rosemary 
And put them in the water jug and then boil a tablespoon of each of the above and then liquidate it and drink from this drink three glasses and have only one of them on an empty stomach.

Monday, December 1, 2014

How to lose weight quickly and safely

Today offer you an amazing and proven mixture to lose weight 10 kg in 9 days, thanks to the natural herbs component of this mixture, the main reason to lose so much weight is the ability of these herbs to burn and dissolve fat and then disposed of outside the body, and give the body slim appearance and wonderful stature , and stay away from the big potbelly and obesity.

Mixture components
100 grams of purslane seeds
50 grams of mustard
50 grams of marjoram
50 grams of piper cubeba 

How to prepare the mixture
All ingredients put in a large bow
Mix ingredients together until  become homogeneous well
Put teaspoon of the mixture  in a cup of boiling water and leave until cool
Then drink a cup of the mixture before meals quarter of an hour, and would prefer not to desalinated

how long does alcohol stop fat burning

  in case you’re critical about getting into form, humans will regularly tell you that alcohol is a definite no-no. Even only some liquids...